DesignColumbus 2025

Monday, March 10th, 2025
7:00 am

Mitchell Hall Columbus State Community College 250 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH, 43215

the event

DesignColumbus 2025 is an opportunity to learn and engage in the transformation of the Central Ohio built environment to be more healthy, prosperous and sustainable. The educational seminars along with the trade show presents current and future development of technologies for all leaders in Central Ohio creating buildings and communities that promote economic growth and sustain the health and vitality of all life.

This full day of continuing education and informational displays is organized to attract hundreds of professionals involved in the building industry. Attendees and participants are representatives of the entire project team, including architects, designers, engineers, owners, developers, government officials, municipal planners, facility managers, contractors, construction managers, construction specifiers, manufacturers, product representatives and others. For all attendees, the continuing education component includes opportunities for AIA and GBCI credits. These CEU opportunities are of tremendous value to AIA and LEED Professionals interested in maintaining their credentials in an ever more competitive marketplace.

"I've participated in sustainability events in other cities, and they've paled in comparison to DesignColumbus. Just thought you should know how awesome you are at rocking DesignColumbus!"

DesignColumbus 2022 Attendee, via Email


Sponsorship Opportunities


Event Sponsor Package -- $5000 includes:

8' x 16' Booth (Choice of location on Exhibit Hall Floor)

Name on all show literature, including posters, flyers, program, and business cards. (i.e. DesignColumbus 2025 Sponsored by _______?_________)

Company logo placed on DesignColumbus website.

Listing of conference participants in Excel format

4 complimentary all day show registrations to invite attendees (a $200 value)

4 complimentary lunch tickets for booth staff (a $100 value)

Large logo on conference signage

Company Logo on DesignOhio Website for 1 year (a $250 value)

Tabletop presentation at future Chapter meeting for both DesignOhio & USGBC Ohio


Platinum Sponsorship Package -- $1100 early registration / $1500 late registration includes:

6' x 12' booth (Choice of booth location, submit top 3 choices)

Company logo placed on DesignColumbus website.

Listing of conference participants in Excel format

2 complimentary all day show registrations to invite attendees (a $200 value)

2 complimentary lunch tickets for booth staff (a $100 value)

Logo on conference signage

Company Logo on DesignOhio Website for 1 year (a $250 value)

Tabletop presentation at a future DesignOhio OR USGBC Ohio meeting


Gold Sponsorship Package -- $550 early registration / $900 late registration includes:

6' x 6' booth (37 Available) - show committee determines locations.

Company Name placed on DesignColumbus website.

Listing of conference participants in Excel format

2 complimentary lunch tickets for booth staff (a $50 value)


Lunch Table Sponsorship -- $250 includes:

Reserve Table and Seats at lunch for 8 people (registration not included)

Logo at Table


Business Card Size Ad -- $150 includes:

on DesignOhio website for one year


Food Sponsorship -- $250 includes:

Company Logo on Signage at Food Stations

Listing of conference participants in Excel format


Beverage Sponsorship -- $250 includes:

Company Logo on Signage at Beverage Stations

Listing of conference participants in Excel format


Happy Hour Sponsorship (limited to 4) -- $500 includes:

Company Logo on signage during Happy Hour at end of day


Door Prize Sponsorship (unlimited available) -- $50 includes:

Name mentioned as sponsor of door prize at when given out at the Happy Hour.